Archive for January, 2014

First academic essay, this is it

Posted: January 30, 2014 in writing

Referencing the past to talk of the future: The collections of John Soane and Adrián Villar Rojas


When I was a child I saw many collections in large houses that I visited with my mother: glass fronted cabinets, glass topped cases filled with objects d’art, even groups of curios laid out on tabletops. These collections were a remnant of the British colonial past and the conquerors’ preoccupation with the cultures they subdued. Since then I have had a fascination with collections of objects, both as a collector and an artist. I share this passion for collecting with many contemporary artists, for instance Rosemarie Trockel,[1] Leonardo Drew [2] and Mark Dion’s Tate Dig.
By reflecting on collections put together by two very different men in different times, circumstances and societies, I intend to show that both colonial collectors and contemporary artists using collections of objects are referencing the past to speak about the future.
To this end, I will compare and contrast Adrián Villar Rojas’ ‘Today we Reboot the Planet’ installation at the Serpentine Sackler gallery (2013) and the Sir John Soane’s Museum  London, (1823) namely the collections housed in the Monument Court and Monk’s Yard spaces.




Posted: January 22, 2014 in collections, sculpture

We had an assessment on the 21st and this is what I showed  IMG_5989crop

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Its to do with space and collecting and the displaying of collections and the receptacles that could be used to house various items of a collection when put on display.

wax & card, wood metal, unfired clay and mixed media.